November 23 - December 22, 2024
2024 Brewster Commemorative Ornament:
Cape Cod Sea Shells: Hermit Crab in Periwinkle Shell
by Ben McLaughlin, Ben N' Ink Cape Cod
This year’s Commemorative Ornament features a Periwinkle Shell with a Hermit Crab that has moved in! The Hermit Crab is known for moving from vacant shell to vacant shell as it grows. The atist works in water colors with ink stipling.
These signed and numbered ornaments are available now so pick up your ornaments early! Just $25 (includes tax) at participating outlets including: Brewster ACE Hardware, Brewster Book Store, By the Bay Designs, Candleberry Inn on Cape Cod, Cape Cod Museum of Natural History Museum Shop, Crocker Nurseries, Green Road Refill, HandCraft House Gallery and Fine Art, and The Brewster Store. Proceeds from this year’s Holidays fund raising will benefit Nauset Youth Alliance.
2024 Brewster for the Holidays Main Events!
December 6 - 22: Holiday Passport to Special Offers!
Available at Holiday Headquarters

Drop in to the Holiday Headquarters at 2672 Main Street beginning December 6 to pick up your Holiday Passport and enter a FREE raffle to win a prize! Hosted and sponsored by Leighton Team Keller Williams Realty, headquarters is open daily!

Friday, December 6 at 4 pm: Rockin’ Round the Christmas Tree in Drummer Boy Park!
Join us on Friday, December 6 for a traditional tree and windmill lighting, carol sing-a-long with the Eddy Elementary School Choir led by Stacey Ferris, AND SANTA’S ARRIVAL! At Drummer Boy Park, starting at 4 p.m. Sponsored by Brewster Historical Society, WeNeedaVacation, Brewster Chamber of Commerce and 101.5 FM Koffee Radio.
Unwrapped toys will be collected to be donated to Toys for Tots!
Friday, December 6 at 7:00 p.m. The Brewster Band Annual Holiday Concert
Hosted by the Brewster Baptist Church, 1848 Main Street and sponsored by Peggy Farber, Realtor®. Admission is free and free will donations are accepted to benefit Nauset Youth Alliance, this year’s recipient of Brewster for the Holidays fund raising. Program highlights include A Mariah Carey Christmas, The Christmas Song, Snow Day Celebration and the always popular Christmas Pop Sing-a-long!
Saturday, December 7, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.
Breakfast with Santa!
at Ocean Edge Resort & Golf Club, 2907 Main Street!

Sunday, December 8, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Family Dance Party with Special Guest SANTA!
At the Cape Cod Museum of Natural Nistory
Sunday, December 8th from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. meet SANTA at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History! Snap a picture with Santa (bring your own camera!), tour the Museum and sing and dance to holiday songs with Guitarist Jim Nosler! Admission for this special holiday event is FREE! Sponsored by Mazzeo Construction and Cape Cod Five, with the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History and the Brewster Chamber of Commerce.
Additional Sponsor Hosted Events!
MAIN EVENT! Ocean Edge Resort Front Lawn: November 29 through January 1, 2907 Main Street, OceanEdge.com | Festive Forest at the Mansion! Wander through twenty majestic firs that have been decorated by local businesses to reflect Brewster’s holiday spirit! Reserve an igloo or gather around a fire pit while enjoying a bite to eat and a cocktail. Visit OceanEdge.com/holiday-happenings-2024 for more information and to make reservations!
MAIN EVENT! Leighton Team Keller Williams Realty: December 6 – 22, 2672 Main Street, LeightonTeam.com | Visit Holiday Headquarters: Open for the Season! Pick up your Holiday Passport and Calendar of Events! Show your passport at participating businesses to receive a special offer. And enter the Leighton Team’s Raffle to win a prize! Headquarters is open daily.
Nov 30: Crocker Nurseries: 10 AM, 1132 Long Pond Road, CrockerNurseries.com | Outdoor Holiday Container Class! Using a variety of cut greens and decorations, you’ll create a beautiful container to leave out during the holiday season. There is no charge for the class, just for the cost of the materials used. You can bring in your own decorations and containers. Typical cost of this class is $25-45.
Dec 7 & 8: Crocker Nurseries: 8 AM – 4:30 PM, 1132 Long Pond Road, CrockerNurseries.com | OPEN HOUSE! Free refreshments; enter to win a $100 gift card!
December 7: Crocker Nurseries: 10 AM, 1132 Long Pond Road, CrockerNurseries.com | Make and Decorate a Boxwood Tree Class! Learn how to create your own boxwood tree, then choose from our large supply of decorations to personalize your own tree. There is no charge for the class, just for the materials used. Feel free to bring in your own decorations for the tree, as well as a small container for a base (we will have them here if you don’t have one). Typical cost of this class is $15-$30
Emerald Hollow Therapeutic Riding Center, 235 Run Hill Road A Holiday Fun-raiser! December 7, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Jingle and mingle while enjoying grilled hot dogs, hot apple cider, and hot chocolate to keep you warm! Bake Sale; Reindeer Rides; Raffle and More! All proceeds benefit Emerald Hollow Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc.
December 7: The Brewster Book Store: 11 AM, and 2 PM, 2648 Main Street, BrewsterBookStore.com | (508) 896-6543 | hello@brewsterbookstore.com | At 11 AM join us for a Holiday Themed Storytime and Craft. Then at 2 PM Book Signing with Candace Hammond Local author Candace Hammond will be signing her holiday romance, Christmas in Cranberry Harbor. Get a signed copy of her Cape-based novel – perfect for gift giving – enjoy holiday refreshments, free gift wrapping, and personalized recommendations for everyone on your list.
Sonoma Wool Company: 84 Underpass Road, weekly through December 21, SonomaWoolCompany.com | Open Wed-Sat, 10-2, and 24/7 on our website – we ship worldwide. Visit us during our Shop hours between December 7 and 21 for a 25% discount off your entire purchase! Wool Bedding, home goods and other woolly, 100% natural, thoughtful gifts! Make this a synthetic-free Holiday Season, and Re-Discover The Wonders of Wool!
Struna Galleries – Brewster: December 7 & 8: 11 AM – 5 PM, 3873 Main Street, StrunaGalleries.com | Open House! Meet the Artist! Meet the Author! Win a gift certificate for $250! View artist Timothy Struna’s latest 2024 Christmas engraving. Plus, all five of Barbara Eppich Struna’s novels from the Old Cape Series are on sale!
Cobb House Museum: December 7, 1 – 4 PM, 739 Lower Road, BrewsterHistoricalSociety.org | Celebrate a Victorian Holiday! Enjoy live music, refreshments, and gorgeous Victorian inspired displays. In partnership with Holiday Cards 4 Our Military, send a festive greeting to our troops—postage on BHS! Handcrafted holiday ornaments, along with owl, bat, and birdhouses made in our vintage Woodwork Shop available for purchase. Admission: $7 non-members, $5 members.